REBORRN is a boutique management consulting firm.
We're a hybrid of consultants and makers, committed to driving meaningful change in the digital economy. We are a distributed 40-strong team that works with clients across geographies, using design thinking and facilitated problem solving to address challenges efficiently. We focus on Strategy, Organizational Design, Customer Experience, Process Innovation, and Venture Building.
While the digital economy is changing the world, companies struggle to keep up with the pace of change. This is also true of the companies that help other companies, consultancies. They are slow, expensive, and their delivery is usually below standards. This is why we have built a new breed of a consultancy, to help companies thrive in the digital economy and challenge how traditional consulting works. We are a world-class team of Creatives, Engineers, and Entrepreneurs.
Before anything, we are Makers. What we make is Creativity led. Data backed. Beautifully engineered.